Sunday, April 6, 2008

General Conference thoughts

Sunday night after General Conference:
Didn’t want the day to end without sharing some thoughts about the Conference. I think a feeling I had during one talk summarized what I felt from the Conference. It was Elder Holland’s talk about "are we Christians?" He talked about how John had written the book of Revelations before he wrote other things and before some others had written their books in the Bible and that they didn’t really have the Bible then, showing that it wasn’t really the Bible that made them Christians and how it isn’t the Book of Mormon as another witness that makes us Christian – but that it is following the loving Christ. I thought a good response to that question when we are asked is "were Peter, James and John and the others back then Christians?" They certainly didn’t have the New Testament book then. But what they had was the living Christ and His teaching direct from Him. When He asked them to "come follow me" they did. That is what makes them and anyone else a true Christian— following the living Christ today in what He asks of us now. And so, what I felt from the Conference was that those who spoke were true followers of Christ who were truly revealing His will and His words. President Uchtdorf in Priesthood meeting just seemed to radiate his love for the Lord and the Lord just seemed to be speaking through him.
Then President Monson seemed so personable and tender hearted, and when he spoke about Heavenly Father comforting us and Jesus lifting us, that seemed so personal to him. I like it when he said we are in a war with sin and that "we can win and we WILL win." And then for him to close asking us to pray for him – so humble and faithful. It just seemed that the Lord was close by. So let’s pray for President Monson and the other leaders and their wives, too. Did you know that the newly called second counselor in the Young Women presidency is Pres. Monson’s daughter? That must make him feel good.
Well, I feel good as a father. Each of you sons and daughters are such good people. Let’s make sure we are doing what we should be doing so that we may also be close to the living Christ today – not just because we read His words or because we pray to Heavenly Father – but because we seek until we find and we live such that, through the Gift of the Holy Ghost, They are an intimate part of our day-to-day life. You know that is my constant prayer.
I love you all. I’ll blog you later! Love, Daddy.

Friday, April 4, 2008

It's Home Evening Cruise Time!!!!

OK everybody, this is my first blog. I am now a blogger.
So let's see if this works....
Here's my home evening blog or post (what's the difference?).
I have a request. Read some of the past Zion Home Evening stuff before our cruise. We will have the next chapter on the cruise, so brush up and get ready!
Here's a quiz -- winner(s?) will get a prize on the cruise:
Who wrote the poem in the purity chapter? (re-read that -- it's really good)
What are the five things needed to make a Team Zion?
and there are a few more sub-parts in some of those things
Fill in the blanks: If _____ , then ______ .
And a hard one:
What did the Prophet Joseph say would be written on the "bells of the horses" in the city Zion?
And the bonus question: What is our next Home Evening about? Hint: Our cruisin vehicle is in the name!

So, speaking about cruising:
You can go online and pre-register. You need your passport number and the booking number. Call me if you need more info.
Let's plan some family prayer times and maybe take turns with a 1 minute devotional or something to go along with it.
And let's plan a get-together (with online chatting for Brian and Chantal) and see if there are any excursions we might want to do together -- our maybe in sub-groups. And we need to plan on getting there -- who is going when and who wants to go together. Mommy and I are flying so some could use our van and you can get stopped in Yuma again!
Anyway, fun things coming up!! I love you all -- talk to you later, Daddy.